As of 12 noon Tuesday October 18, 2022

For more information on COVID-19 please contact the Ministry of Health and Wellness via 468-5342 / 468-5347 / 468-5349 or dial: 311

COVID-19 Protocol for Seafood Retail Outlet


  • Close stores early to provide sufficient time to thoroughly clean and sanitize stores.
  • Implement a more robust delivery/ process, so customers can be served without having to come inside the store.
  • Provide appropriate facilities (inclusive of appropriate disinfectants and instructions) for employees to maintain good hand hygiene, Environmental hygiene and PPE for staff
  • Document protocols and continuously sensitize staff
  • Provide adequately designed and constructed toilet facilities
  • Provide hand washing stations equipped with hand-drying facilities, liquid soap, running water and waste receptacles.


  • All staff should stay at home if they are unwell or show any signs of fever, sore throat, cough, or shortness of breath and if this is the case to report this (by phone) to the employer for further instructions
  • All staff instructed to report (by phone) to the employer if someone they live with is unwell or shows any signs of fever, sore throat, cough, or shortness of breath (further instructions provided)
  • Wellness checks are to be carried out of all staff before they start work each day. Any staff showing any signs of illness are to be sent home and further instructions provided
  • Any staff that has had close-contact with or been exposed to someone who is a probable case or who has COVID-19, must self-isolate in accordance with the Ministry of Health requirements. If, after the required self-isolation period, they are symptom free, they can return to work.

All staff shall practice regular hand washing (wash with hand-soap and running water for a minimum of 20 seconds, dry thoroughly with disposable paper towels), and use hand-sanitizer:
- After visiting the toilet
- Before eating
- After smoking/vaping
- Before putting on and after removing protective clothing, including face mask and gloves
- Before handling any product
- Before and after cleaning, particularly after cleaning high contact surfaces.

-Staff must be reminded not to touch their face and eyes.
-Staff must be reminded to use cough and sneeze etiquette (cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues, place in garbage or cough/sneeze into elbow and then wash hands, as above).